
Accumulation conveyor: A solution designed to reduce product damage and increase reliability at mind boggling speeds

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Daifuku Intralogistics America offers a wide range of conveyor designs, from simple and customized to highly sophisticated and integrated. Our MHE engineers are among the best in the industry, and they ensure that each conveyor meets the highest standards of quality and performance. All our conveyors are made in our US facilities, giving us full control over our supply chain.

If you are looking for a conveyor system that delivers high performance and reliability for your warehouse distribution or parcel service operations, you should check out the Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) High Speed Accumulation Conveyor from Daifuku. This conveyor uses zero pressure accumulation technology, which ensures that the products on the conveyor do not contact each other, avoiding any potential damage, breakage, or jams. You can also adjust the conveyor speed and spacing to fit your specific needs.

The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) can handle various tasks, such as sorting, merging, diverting, and accumulating your products, with accuracy and efficiency. The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) is a complete system that enhances your productivity and profitability. It is a product that Daifuku added to its portfolio to match the market demand and the offerings of its competitors.

To learn more about the NBLR and how zero pressure accumulation technology can benefit you, please continue reading.

The Narrow Belt Live Roller Conveyor: What You Need to Know

The NBLR conveyor is a comprehensive system that improves your productivity and profitability. It is a product that Daifuku developed to match the market demand. The system works by creating a cushion of air between the items, so they don’t bump into each other when they stop. This way, you can transport delicate things safely and efficiently.

Value in Conveying

The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) is a smart conveyor system that makes factories run faster and smoother. It stops products from getting stuck or damaged on the way, saving time and money. It works well with cardboard boxes and baskets. The system is smart because it has some clever design features that keep the products in good shape and order. For example, it has angled rollers that guide the products and stop them from bumping into each other. It also has brakes that slow down and release the products gently. It has sensors that monitor the products and avoid any problems. These are just some of the ways that the NBLR makes conveyor systems better.

Let’s see how The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) conveyor’s smart features make it different from other conveyor systems:

It Operates Smarter

You want to work in a smart way, not a hard way.

That’s what the NBLR does for you. The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) has a smart device inside it that helps your products go along the conveyor line without any problems. It stops them from turning, hitting, or getting stuck, which can slow you down and ruin your products. It also lets you pick how you want your products to pile up, depending on what you are doing and what you want to achieve. The best part is that the smart device is always ready. It can tell what is going on and change the speed to make your work quicker and easier.

It's Fast

Speed is important when you want to make more money.  The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) is a machine that moves things along a line faster than other machines. Most machines can only go up to 220 feet per minute, though some can go up to 300 feet per minute or more. The NBLR basic model can go up to 400 feet per minute, while the better NBLR models can go up to 480 feet per minute. That’s a high speed that not many other machines can reach, so you can move more things in less time with the NBLR.

It's Safe

You want your workers to be safe on the job - and the Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) can make that happen, while also making your work faster and more profitable. Some parts of the conveyor belt can be dangerous and cause accidents or delays. These are the places where something can get stuck or cut by the belt or another object. The NBLR is made to prevent these problems by keeping the gaps between the parts very small - and you don’t need to add anything extra to do that.

It's Quiet

Warehouses are usually not well-insulated and have concrete walls and floors. This makes them very noisy, especially when they have a lot of equipment. The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) says that workers should not be exposed to more than 90 decibels (dBA) of noise for 8 hours or longer. If the noise is louder, workers need to wear hearing protection.

The Narrow Belt Live Roller (NBLR) is a conveyor system that can help reduce noise in warehouses. It has parts that are not only strong, but also quiet. They can lower the sound level in the warehouse environment.

Handle more products than ever before.

The NBLR can be equipped with three types of sensors, each with a specific purpose: to identify different shapes and sizes of items on the conveyor belt. These sensors can recognize standard cartons, tapered totes, and thin products with ease.

Contact Daifuku

If you are looking for a reliable and efficient way to accumulate products in your facility, you should consider the Narrow Belt Live Roller High Speed Accumulation Conveyor from Daifuku.

Daifuku is a world-class provider of automated material handling systems and systems integration, with a proven track record of delivering innovative and customized solutions for various industries. Whether you need to increase your throughput, optimize your space, or reduce your costs, we have the right product for you. Contact us today to find out more about our Narrow Belt Live Roller High Speed Accumulation Conveyor and other products, and how we can transform your challenges into opportunities.

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